
Exploring life's adventures through words - every day has a different flavor. What's in store for today? I have to dip my hand in the jar to find out.

Friday, December 3, 2010

gurgly IS a word!

I am ABOUT to have a phone interview for a job. It's been the second bite after many applications to businesses/workplaces of all kinds.  My phone is charged.  My heart is pounding harder.  My stomach is gurgly. (Yes, Dictionary, that is a word.)  The minutes are passing and I'm trying to stay relaxed, to 'be yourself' as I was so wisely advised (xo CK).  I'm going to 'kick butt', as I've also been told.  I have my notes in front of me, my webpages open, my application documents available for reference.  My hope is that I won't have to rely on any of those. :) My eyes are wide but my mouth is smiling.  Who the heck knows how this is going to turn out?...but this job sounds amazingly fun and right up my alley.  Aaaahhhh!  God is in control of everything!  "Thank goodness, a thousand times!" a 5-year-old said to me yesterday.  Even though she was referring to her older brother being sent to time-out for repeatedly pestering her, I still find her comment appropriate and comforting to my state of mind this afternoon.  :)