
Exploring life's adventures through words - every day has a different flavor. What's in store for today? I have to dip my hand in the jar to find out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Take a deep breath...

It's happening.  I can't believe it, but it is.  I never thought the day would come.  I have a new title in the world, a new representation of me.  I'm a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a colleague, so many more roles...and now, a blogger.  Aahhh!

Why blog?  Why me?  I decided that due to my admiration of life in general and my love of hilarious shit that happens in my life, I thought I'd write it all down for myself to look back on.  And to share with anyone who wants a peep into my life for a laugh or for a 'heck, yes, that's so true!' moment in your day.  Oh, and you know how I cursed 2 sentences back?  I might do that once in awhile - that's life!  But I'll never drop the f-bomb.  And you better not either, or else...BALEETED! (anyone know that reference?)

We'll see how often I end up posting.  Of course I will aim to post soon after events or thoughts occur, like within a day or so, but no promises.  Especially since I can think of a few things in very recent memory that I may choose to share.  Life is just so interesting and full of wonder!  For real.

Word on the Jelly Belly jelly bean background:  first of all - did YOU know those were Jelly Belly's?  And second, I feel they represent the essence of my purpose for this blog...just as each bean brings you a new flavor, a new sensation, a new delicious and interesting experience, so does each day bring such things to me.  Hence, my life's motto..."Oh, life!"  :)

Okay, let me go ahead and post to see how the settings I blindly selected turned out.  

1 comment:

Tina Klein said...

hi, welcome to blogville!!!
I started a blog-but don't know where it is..maybe it will send me a reminder to blog
Love Ya,