
Exploring life's adventures through words - every day has a different flavor. What's in store for today? I have to dip my hand in the jar to find out.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Now I'm awake!

It's been a long time since I freaked myself awake.  I stayed up too late last night.  I did hot yoga in Charm City til after 10pm, and it was nearly 11pm when I got home.  Go figure after a relaxing shower, I plan to read for 'a few minutes'.  Before I know it, it's 1:30am.  Oops.  Needless to say, after my radio alarm somehow snoozed itself twice and my human alarm* bounced me into consciousness, I dragged myself into the chill to 'relieve myself'.

[Tangent: don't you hate that feeling when you kind of wake up and want to go back to sleep but you know there's NO freaking way you'll be able to because you have to pee?  I hate that! haha]

Anyways, I'm drowsily seated.  I reach for the TP when I suddenly emit a *screech* and jump up off the toilet!  Okay, fine, I'm awake NOW!  There was a freaking stinkbug on that first dangling square!  UGH!  After I quickly regain my composure and rub the sleep out of my eyes, I make the adult decision to humanely tear off the square and flush it.  My human alarm comes to my rescue, but I don't need it this time.  Wait...yes, thank you, make us some coffee. :)

*human alarm - the other person who lives in my home who is sometimes still present to audibly and tangibly arouse me from slumber; also, the love of my life. xo

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